UX Konferenzen & Events 2024

In this list you will find European and international UX events with different focuses and offerings. If you can recommend an event that isn’t listed yet, let me know.

In dieser Auflistung findest du europäische und internationale UX Events mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten und Angeboten. Wenn du ein Event empfehlen kannst, das noch nicht gelistet ist, lass es mich wissen.

Online UX Conferences

January 30 2024

UX360 Research Summit 24 /

„UX360 will showcase the latest UX and design research – from planning and conducting, to analysis and the implementation of UX insights. This exciting conference includes presentations from top UX researchers from the world’s largest brands, interactive panel discussions and 1-2-1 meetings. This is a must-attend conference for UX researchers to learn, be inspired and network.“

Costs $ 99 (Early Bird), $ 299 (Regular)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX360
April 3-4, 2024
Designing with AI Deep Dive 24 /
„The landscape of Design is changing faster than ever. This event is our chance to dig into the value of industrial design, as emerging technologies like AI challenge the foundations of our industry. How can designers stay nimble with new skills? We’ll explore the tools, tech, and strategies that will make the difference for the designer of tomorrow.“

Registration opens February 21

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX360
June 4-5, 2024
Designing with AI 24 /
„Join us at Designing with AI 2024, where we’ve moved beyond speculation about Artificial Intelligence’s impact on UX professionals—it’s time to address more pressing questions:

  • How can AI elevate the effectiveness and impact of UX professionals?
  • And equally important, how can we navigate and prevent the potential pitfalls resulting from hasty AI integration?

You’ll learn from and be inspired by cutting-edge case studies and demonstrations that showcase AI applications in UX design, research, and content creation. And our expert panels will empower you to sharpen your critical thinking, enabling proactive anticipation and mitigation of unintended consequences stemming from AI in our field.“

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX360
August 13 -15, 2024
„We’re still finalising the UXDX APAC 2024 Agenda“

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UXDX

UX Conferences / Europe


March 20-21, 2024

UX Copenhagen 24 /
Copenhagen, Denmark

„For far too long, we have been living in a world that applauds and encourages continuous growth, expansion, selling, and manipulation. It’s a world of over production and over consumption, but we’re running out of resources. Business as usual will not cut it anymore.

As last year’s closing keynote, Angelos Arnis put it “There is no planet B.”

On March 20-21, 2024, we’ll be discussing climate change, consumerism, and waste. We’ll talk about degrowth, and about unlearning decades of harmful production, development and processes. We’ll have talks about how consumerism will need to change in order for the planet to survive. We’ll show some practical examples of work we have already done, and open the discussion about what we as designers can do to make sustainable changes for the better and create fundamental, systemic change.“

Costs DKK 3000 (Online) DKK 6500 (Regular)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX Brighton


April 15-17, 2024
UXinsight Festival 24 /
Breda, The Netherlands
„A UXR conference for everyone passionate about UX research ❤️. Why UXinsight Festival 2024?

  • ️Be inspired by diverse & innovative sessions by UXR experts from all over the world
  • ️Feel at home with our friendly international community of UX research professionals
  • ️Take the time to network, recharge and reflect with our balanced program
  • ️Connect with speakers during Q&A and in person during breaks
  • ️Avoid FOMO with 1-track program & recordings after the conference“

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link uxinsight
April 17-18, 2024
prompt:UX 24 /
Berlin, Germany
„Join the cutting-edge conference dedicated to the intersection of AI and User Experience Design.

Throughout a day packed with compelling case studies and inspiration, complemented by an optional hands-on workshop, we will be exploring the forefront of AI and its transformative potential for digital products.“

Costs € 350

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link uxinsight
April 17-18, 2024
Digital Design & UX Next /
München, Germany
„Produktentwicklung, Technologiepotenziale und Gestaltung zusammendenken. Digitale Produkte und Lösungen sind der Weg der Wahl für erfolgreiches Business. Geprägt durch die designfokussierte Welt der Apps und Smartphones erwarten Nutzerinnen und Nutzer heute nicht mehr nur punktuell gute User Interfaces oder User Experience, sie erwarten ganzheitlich gut gestaltete Lösungen.“

Costs € 799 (Early Bird), € 899 (Regular), German UPA Mitglieder 15% Rabatt

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link uxinsight


May 4, 2024
UXcamp 24 /
Bremen, Germany
„Ein Tag voller spannender Sessions, Diskussionen und Networking rund um das Thema User Experience Design. Sei dabei und tausche dich mit anderen UX-Profis aus!“

Costs $ 159 (Super Early Bird)

Conference Website

Logo und Link DDX
May 6 – 7, 2024

Leadership Ateliers Barcelona /
Barcelona, Spain

„A hands-on conference where design leaders and those transitioning to leadership get to mix and match different masterclasses and workshops, and share meals and time together. Only 60 spots available.“

€1.220 // €100 off for you! 🎉 Use the code: MAKEUSERSHAPPY

Conference Website

Logo und Link DDX
May 15 – 16, 2024
Leadership Ateliers Berlin /
Berlin, Germany
„After the success of Leadership Ateliers as part of Hatch Conference, the event returns in a 2-day format for early design leaders to mix and match different workshops and masterclasses, share meals and time together. Only 80 spots available.“

€1.220 // €100 off for you! 🎉 Use the code: MAKEUSERSHAPPY

Conference Website

Logo und Link DDX
May 11, 2024
DDX 24 /
Munich, Germany
„Conference Theme: Augmented Creativity & Innovation – How do emerging technologies influence the future of digital innovation?“

Costs $ 159 (Super Early Bird)

Conference Website

Logo und Link DDX
May 13-14, 2024
beyond tellerrand 24 /
Düsseldorf, Germany
„14 years of beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf. Come in and join on 13 and 14 May 2024 for exciting two days. Sharing ideas, exchange with like-minded people about creativity, technology and anything Web. beyond tellerrand is the event, where design and code meet.“

Note from Su: Stefan Sagmeister is there, just sayin…

Costs € 299 (In-person), € 99 (Online)

➥ Conference Website

Logo 'beyond tellerrand'
May 16-17, 2024
UX360 Research Summit 24 /
Berlin, Germany
„The UX360 Research series has become the most popular virtual UX event since being launched in 2022, In 2024, we are proud to be hosting our first in-person UX360 Research Summit taking place on 16-17 May in Berlin, Germany.

UX360 will showcase the latest UX and design research – from planning and conducting, to analysis and the implementation of UX insights. This exciting conference includes presentations from global thought leaders and international brands, interactive panel discussions and 1-2-1 meetings. This is a must-attend conference for UX researchers to learn, be inspired and to network with peers.“

Costs € 695 (Early Bird)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX360
May 16-17, 2024
UX360 Research Summit 24 /
Berlin, Germany
„The UX360 Research series has become the most popular virtual UX event since being launched in 2022, In 2024, we are proud to be hosting our first in-person UX360 Research Summit taking place on 16-17 May in Berlin, Germany.

UX360 will showcase the latest UX and design research – from planning and conducting, to analysis and the implementation of UX insights. This exciting conference includes presentations from global thought leaders and international brands, interactive panel discussions and 1-2-1 meetings. This is a must-attend conference for UX researchers to learn, be inspired and to network with peers.“

Costs € 695 (Early Bird)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX360
May 18-19, 2024
UXcamp 24 /
Berlin, Germany
„After our warm-up gathering on Friday, the main event on Saturday and Sunday is jam-packed with inspiring sessions, meeting old friends, and making new ones from planet UX. You don’t want to miss the party on Saturday night either!“

Free – limited

➥ Conference Website

Logo and Link Business and Buttons
May 21-24, 2024
UXLx Lisbon 24 /
Lisbon, Portugal
„Join UX friends from all over the world for a one-of-a-kind learning experience. It’s 4 days to soak in new knowledge and strengthen your skillset.“

Costs € 345-1245 (1day-4days, Early Bird)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UXLX


June 14, 2024
Pixel Pioneers 24 /
Bristol, Great Britain
„An affordable one-day conference of practical and inspiring front-end and UX/UI design talks, featuring eight world-class speakers. Call for speakers.“

Costs £ 129 (Early Bird), £ 60 (Students)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX London
June 18 – 20, 2024
UX London 24 /
London, Great Britain
„Join us at CodeNode London for a three-day conference covering all aspects of the design process from user research and product design through to design ops and design systems.

Each day features a morning packed with inspiring talks followed by an afternoon of practical hands-on workshops. It’s the perfect blend!

Whether you’re a product designer, researcher, content writer, design engineer, or project manager, UX London is for you.“

Costs £ 495-1295 (1-3 days, Super Early Bird)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX London
June 29 – 30, 2024
UX Festival by German UPA 24 /
Erfurt, Germany
„Sei dabei beim dritten UX Festival am 29. – 30. Juni 2024 (Samstag bis Sonntag) in Erfurt.

Wir wollen wieder ein unvergessliches Wochenende mit euch verbringen.
Es erwartet euch ein Barcamp-Format mit spontanen Sessions und vielen Workshops und Präsentationen.

Aber auch genügend Zeit zum Netzwerken und Feiern ist eingeplant.

Sei Teil der großartigen #UXcommunity!
Wir freuen uns auf dich!“

Costs € 39-259

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX London


August 6-9, 2024
UX & Product Design Week 24 /
London, Great Britain
„Dive into our 4-day learning expedition in London, designed to connect you with the product and creative industry’s latest trends and innovations.

Each day you will meet teams behind groundbreaking products and discover their approaches to UX strategy, product leadership, scaling remote design teams, data design, GenAI, product branding and much more.“

Costs £ 3,200

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX Nordic
August 28-30, 2024
UX Nordic 24 /
Aarhus, Denmark
„The next UX Nordic Conference will take place in Aarhus, Denmark, on 28 & 29 August 2024, consisting of one day with Masterclass Workshops and one day with Insight Sessions.

Participants this year are coming from no less than 21 countries.

From Enterprise UX to AI, from Accessibility to Research – we guarantee to hone your skills and to evolve you as a designer.

On top of that, we have stacked the event with lots of networking, a glamorous Award Show, a Group Run, plenty of fun stuff and of course our iconic UX Party.
If you are into UX – we promise you two days to remember!“

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX Nordic

August 29-30, 2024

Front Conference 24 /
Zurich, Switzerland
„Take the chance to meet international web leaders and be part of our community – live or remote. On 29. – 30. August 2024 at Alte Sihlpapierfabrik, Zurich“

Costs CHF 599 (Ealry Bird)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX Nordic


September 5-6, 2024
UIG-Tagung /
Karlsruhe, Germany
Im Jahr 2024 legen wir einen Schwerpunkt auf das nachhaltige Gestalten der Beziehung zwischen Menschen und KI. Im Rahmen der UIG-Tagung 2024 widmen wir uns daher der Frage, wie ein effektives und verantwortungsbewusstes Zusammenspiel zwischen Menschen und KI erreicht und damit eine konsequente Umsetzung der Nutzerzentrierung in Unternehmen erfolgreich realisiert werden kann.

Costs € 149 – 299

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UIG
September 9-11, 2024
SmashingConf – The Web /
Freiburg, Germany
Our 12th SmashingConf Freiburg 🥨 — all about front-end, UX and design — for front-end developers and designers. With adventures into design systems, accessibility, CSS, JavaScript, web performance and cutting-edge techniques.

Costs € 699, Team tickets € 594 (minimum order 4 tickets)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX Nordic
September 12-13, 2024
Awwwards Conf. 2024 /
Valencia, Spain

An intimate gathering crafted by and for Digital Founders & Leaders in the Mediterranean city of Valencia. Join us to discover how modern technologies are reshaping the digital industry through engaging case studies and the latest trends. Let’s examine their implications on design, technology, and strategic practices.

Costs € 395 (early bird) / € 575 (regular ticket)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link Awwards
September 19-20, 2024
uxcon vienna 24 /
Vienna, Austria
„uxcon vienna is an international platform for UX enthusiasts.

We provide professional exchange and build a bridge between the European UX scene and pioneers in the US. Whether you’re a pro or just starting out, we’ve got you covered with expert insights, networking opportunities, and a chance to connect with the best in the biz.

Come join us and take your UX game to the next level!“

Costs € 190 (Online Ticket), € 590 (Main Stage Ticket), €890 (Conference Pass inkl. Workshop)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link uxcon

September 23-25, 2024

design leaders – alpine edition 24 /
Tyrol, Austria

„uxcon vienna is taking 50 UX leaders on a trip to the Austrian Alps for 2.5 days, where they’ll be soaking up exclusive knowledge from awesome international experts.

They’ve created a program to assist UX leaders in finding fresh solutions for their daily challenges. It includes helpful tips and advice from experienced UX leaders, relatable and personal talks, and hands-on focus sessions that are both meaningful and practical.

All of this happens from September 23rd to September 25th, 2024, at Kaiserlodge in Tyrol, Austria, in the beautiful Alps, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and enjoyment!

This is right after the international UX conference, uxcon vienna, which will take place in Vienna on the 19th and 20th of September, 2024.“

Costs 2.4000 € (including food & lodging), Discounts for shared suits available; Combo tickets with uxcon vienna 2024 available

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link uxcon
September 4-6, 2024
Hatch Conference 24 /
Berlin, Germany
„The conference for senior designers and above returns to Berlin and Online bringing relevant topics for european designers in its multi-day, multi-track format. Join expert keynotes, workshops and classes from the best companies in Europe and the world. Apply for an invitation to purchase tickets from March 15th“

Starting at €330 onsite and €50 online
Get 10% discount now with the code MAKEUSERSHAPPY 🚀

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link Hatch
September 30 – October 2, 2024
prompt:UX 24 /
Hamburg, Germany

„Join the leading-edge conference dedicated to the intersection of AI and User Experience Design.

Whether you’re a designer, researcher, writer, or UX leader: This event will propel you forward by delving into the forefront of AI and its transformative impact on digital products.

Don’t miss the opportunity to stay ahead in the dynamic world of AI, making a tangible impact on your career and work as a UX professional.“

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX Nordic


October 09-11, 2024
Dublin, Ireland
„We’re still finalising the UXDX EMEA 2024 Agenda.“

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UXDX
October 15-17, 2024
World Usability 24 /
Graz, Autria
„The World Usability Congress is the global leading UX expert & strategy conference. We invite over 50 speakers from different industries to share their real-world UX challenges and collaborate with our attendees in multi-disciplinary workshops.“

Costs € 810 (Early Bird), € 1110 (Conference & Workshop)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link World Usability Congress
October 22-23, 2024

Fututre of Industrial Usability 24 /
Würzburg, Germany

„Die industrielle Zukunft ist benutzerfreundlich – Future of Industrial Usability weist den Weg

Früher noch optional, wird Benutzerfreundlichkeit auch in der Industrie zunehmend zu einem obligatorischen Erfolgskriterium. Die Ansprüche an den professionellen Alltag entwickeln sich oft analog zum privaten Bereich – und hier sind wir im Zeitalter von Smartphone und Co. ein hohes Maß an Usability gewohnt. Doch was bedeutet das und wo fängt man an? Wie gestaltet man eine optimale Mensch-Maschinen-Schnittstelle und erhöht so beispielsweise die Bedien- und Prozess-Sicherheit von Maschinen und Anlagen? Future of Industrial Usability liefert Antworten und dient als Plattform auf der echter Austausch möglich ist.“

Costs € 730 (Early Bird), € 530 (Scientists, Young Professionals, Freelancer), € 495 (StartUps), € 195 (Students)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link World Usability Congress
October 23-24, 2024
Design Matters 24 /
Copenhagen, Germany
„Design Matters is a global community of digital creatives who love to explore and inspire each other to break new ground in digital design. The conference will take place at Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design, and Conservation. The academy focuses on fostering creativity, sustainability, and innovation in the fields of architecture and design.“

Costs € 805 (Early Bird), € 200 (Live Stream)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link Design Matters
October 28-31, 2024

SmashingConf – Design & UX /
Antwerp, Germany

Meet SmashingConf Antwerp 🇧🇪 — our conference on design & UX, for designers and UI engineers who love the web. On usability, design systems, product design and UX challenges. Boost your design skills, the smashing way.

Costs € 499 Early Bird, Team tickets € 424 Early Bird (minimum order 4 tickets)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link UX Nordic


November 07-08, 2024
beyond tellerrand 24 /
Berlin, Germany
„Here we are. Our Berlin edition no. 9 after we started here in 2014. Join us for another dose of technology, creativity and the Web on two days on November 7 and 8, 2024. beyond tellerrand is the event, where design and technology meet!“

Costs € 299 (In-person), € 99 (Online)

➥ Conference Website

Logo 'beyond tellerrand'
November 07-08, 2024

Push UX 24 /
Munich, Germany

„PUSH is active since 2012 and run by an engaged group of practising designers. We truly care about the advancement of the digital interactive field we ourselves are part of.

In addition to our decade of experience, we grow through responding to feedback. This way we can improve what’s great, push things forward every year and add new valuable details. For example, you can explore a whole new range of interactive sessions that we’ve given a dedicated time slot in the program since 2019, after the first small versions like the Lean Coffee discussions or the Failure Slam were so well received during the breaks of our past editions.“

Costs € 469 (Early Bird), € 199 (Students)

➥ Conference Website

Logo und Link Push UX
November 13-14, 2024
Digitale Leute Summit 24 /
Cologne, Germany
„Germany’s leading conference at the intersection of Engineering, UX/Design & Product

We believe that software product people are the ones that create the future. Successful digital products are developed by teams at the intersection of Engineering, Product, UX/Design & Business. Digitale Leute Summit is the only cross-functional professional education and networking event focused on software product development.

In two days, Software Engineers, UX-Designers, Product- and Digital Managers learn how to develop better software products from international speakers. Get deep insights into the tools, tactics, and methods of professionals developing digital products in large-scale environments. Learn how these individuals and organizations find unique solutions to their digital challenges and get pragmatic advice for your daily work.“

Costs € 499-999

➥ Conference Website

Logo 'beyond tellerrand'

UX Conferences / International


February 27-29, 2024
ConveyUX 24 /
Seattle, USA

„Join us at ConveyUX in-person or online to learn the latest in UX, grow your skills, and connect with like-minded peers around the world. You’ll learn how industry experts are adapting their processes in an AI-driven era and walk away with new strategies and insights you can implement right away.“

Costs $ 495 (Online), $ 1195 (In-Person)

Conference Website

Logo und Link ConveyUX


March 2, 2024
DDX 24 /
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
„Conference Theme: Augmented Creativity & Innovation – How do emerging technologies influence the future of digital innovation?“

Costs $ 159 (Super Early Bird)

Conference Website

Logo und Link DDX
March 12-14, 2024
European Chatbot & Conversational AI Summit 24 /
Edinburgh, Scotland
„The European Chatbot & Conversational AI Summit is a two-day conference and exhibition designed to host industry executives and adopters of Conversational AI, Generative AI, Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, voice technology, and Conversation Design.

The summit will highlight the latest trends and recent application changes in the Conversational AI space within the European market.“

Costs £ 250 (General Pass), £ 100 (Online)

Conference Website

Logo und Link DDX


April 11, 2024
Insight Out Conf 24 /
San Francisco, USA
„Join us for a full-day hybrid conference where we explore the insights that drive innovators, creators, and problem solvers to build world-changing products. Leap into a world of discovery, where we unravel the connection between complex human behavior and the products and experiences that shape our lives.“

Costs $ 199, Online Free

Conference Website

Logo und Link Dovetail's
April 11 – 13, 2024
IAC 24 /
Seattle, USA
„IA in the Age of AI: Designing Intelligent Information Landscapes
Be part of the world’s leading gathering for information architecture. The IAC is attended every year by hundreds of professionals in information architecture, user experience design, and content strategy.“

Costs $ 450 (Early Bird), $ 550 (Standard), $ 350 (Students), $ 350 (ODA Countries)

Conference Website

Logo und Link Information Architecture Conference


May 15 – 17, 2024
New York, USA
„90% of features fail to deliver the expected value „We’re agile, so why haven’t outcomes improved?“

Because most companies are still fixing scope with Waterfall, or Water-Scrum-Fall, processes.

We design our agenda around the Product, UX, Design and Dev skills that enable team autonomy, quick iterations, and better customer and business outcomes.“

Costs $ 859 (Early Bird), $ 239 (Online)

Conference Website

Logo und Link UXDX
May 20, 2024
Design the Future 24 /
San Francisco, USA

„We are hosting a one day hybrid conference in-person in San Francisco and online. Make new connections, gain new skills, and come back inspired to take your career to the next level!

Topics include: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Sustainability, Blockchain, Biotech, Space, and more.“

Costs $ 89 (In-person), free (Online)

Conference Website

Logo und Link UXDX


June 26-27, 2024
Config 24 /
San Francisco, USA

„Figma’s Conference for people who build products. 2024 will be the most exciting Config yet, with programming designed to connect a dynamic community of builders to the future of product development.“

Costs $ 175 (Very early bird, in person), free (online)

Conference Website

Logo und Link Config
June 29 – July 4, 2024
HCI International 24 /
Washington DC, USA

„HCI International 2024, jointly with the affiliated Conferences, under the auspices of 21 distinguished international boards, to be held under one management and one registration, will take place at Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, USA.
HCII2024 will run as a ‚hybrid‘ conference.“

Costs $ 795 (Early Bird) – $ 995 (Late)

Conference Website

Logo und Link HCI


July 8-11, 2024
UXPA 24 /
Fort Lauderdale, USA

„We are preparing for reviews. Stay tuned for the program…“

Conference Website

Logo und Link uxpa


September 4 – 5, 2024
UXDG 24 /
New York City, USA

„UXDG Virtual 2024 is Merlien’s flagship event born out of our QUAL360 and UX360 research conference series. Innovation in UX Design is increasingly important as industries are evolving and emerging technologies are constantly changing. UXDG will cater to this trend and offer a unique platform for world’s best designers to showcase their successful UX design strategies.

UXDG will showcase the latest UX and Product Design – from innovative design thinking processes, product design strategies, to user research and testing. This amazing conference includes presentations from top-level UX and Product Designers from the world’s largest brands, panel discussions and interactive workshops.

This is a must-attend conference for UX designers to learn, be inspired and network.“

Conference Website

Logo und Link UXDG
September 19 – 20, 2024
UX Y’all Conference 24 /
Raleigh NC, USA
„UX Y’all is a user experience conference that combines the latest UX trends with Southern hospitality, creating an unforgettable experience for attendees. The conference celebrates the vibrant and diverse design and technical scene of the North Carolina Triangle area, showcasing the talent and expertise of local UX practitioners.“

Costs $ 350.00

Conference Website

Logo und Link uxpa


October 7-10, 2024
SmashingConf – Front-End & UX /
New York, USA

We can’t wait to be back for SmashingConf New York 2024 — our friendly and inclusive conference for designers and front-end developers. Boost your design and development skills, the smashing way.

Costs $ 599 Early Bird, Team Ticket $ 509 Early Bird (Min 4 tickets)

Conference Website

Logo und Link UXDG
October 28-30, 2024
Voice and AI 24 /
Arlington, USA
„The market for language services is projected to grow to US$ 98.11 billion by 2028 and US$ 108.9 billion by 2032. VOICE & AI is the top conference for bringing together buyers, sellers and those seeking to gain entry into this exciting segment of the AI market. “

Costs $ 295 – 1495 Early Bird

Conference Website

Logo und Link UXDG
Portrait Su Wiemer

Hi, ich bin Su, Senior UX Designerin. Ich entwickle und schreibe über Lösungen für digitale Produkte, die Nutzer begeistern. Ganz nach dem Motto #makeusershappy.

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